stuntin like my daddy

stuntin like my daddy

Monday, March 10, 2008

baby jonah

another baby shower this weekend...this time it was for chu jimmy and co jonah is bout arrive soon! and i can't wait to meet for me i am doing pretty good...i weight 15 and a half pounds now and i love to eat...rice cereal, prunes, and yogurt are the solid foods that i eat...i can't wait for my next visit with dr hampton...i hope he tells me i can eat more stuff! well thats all for now...

one more thing...daddy just changed the mailing list subscription thingy to my if you haven't subscribed yet don't be shy!

over and out,

vincent mouse

i see your belly chu jimmy

uncle po po...please dont arrest me

<3 syd

ladies man! the dinh girls brought me some cupcakes!


Anonymous said...

Those are some nice looking ladies Vincent!!!

Anonymous said...

im ready to make some babies

Anonymous said...

Oh, how he's grown!!! Picture of Trisha and Vincent in cool hat is a classic.

Miss you guys